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A lamb crown consists of lamb squares which are tied together in a circle to form a crown (crown roast), served with chard, mushroom sauce, and keşkek ( a traditional Turkish dish made of stewed wheat and meat)
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Large center cut fillet charcoal grilled to serve with chard, mushroom sauce, and keşkek ( a traditional Turkish dish made of stewed wheat and meat).
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Seabass, salmon, seabream, calamary, octopus and jumbo shrimp
traditional recipe
400₺calamari fried and served with tarator sauce
1000₺with garlic, red pepper flakes and butter
1100₺cooked with garlic, red, green peppers and butter
1200₺картофель фри
400₺Фаршированные фрикадельки (две штуки)
500₺a type of Turkish patty
400₺Paçanga böreği is a type of patty made with yufka filled with cheese, pastırma, tomato, parsley and pepper.
400₺Smoked salmon is produced by curing the salmon flesh with either hot or cold smoke.
1000₺a traditional meal from Antep(South East Anatolia)sun dried peppers filled with rice, minced meat, tomato paste
550₺a traditional meal from Antep(South East Anatolia)sun dried eggplants filled with rice, minced meat, tomato paste
550₺Strained yogurt, garlic, walnuts, carrots and olive oil
350₺Eggplant with sauce
350₺ATOM is a dish made of yoghurt, garlic and hot pepper ingredients
350₺crushed walnuts, stale bread, tahini, olive oil, garlic and lemon juice
350₺Пюре из нута, смешанное с тахини и молоком
350₺Made by wrapping a grape or cabbage leaf around a bit of stuffing
350₺Levrek Marin is a traditional Turkish dish featuring sea bass that has been marinated
600₺Erzincan Tulum, Divle Obruk, Kars Gravyer, İzmir Tulum, Mihalic, Van Otlu, İsli, Trakya Eski Kaşar, Karagöl Antep, Konya Kelle
1900₺Сезонная зелень, помидоры, огурцы подаются с оливковым маслом первого отжима
Помидоры, огурцы, красный лук, петрушка подаются с оливковым маслом первого отжима
Tuna fish on seasonal greens, red onion, corn, tomato, olive
Seasonal greens, olives, fresh tomatoes, grilled famous Cyprus cheese halloumi on top served with virgin olive oil
Seasonal greens,tomato, chicken, crouton bread served, parmegiani with homemade caesar sauce
Seasonal greens, tomatoes, olives served with virgin olive oil, parmagiani,red onions and 100 grams of plain steak on top
Zucchini, eggplant, pepper, mushroom, carrot, tomato sauce
mushrooms with cheese cooked in oven
Marinated chicken cooked in stew with homemade
tomato sauce, onions, mushroom, red and green peppers
220 grams of grilled fillet steak cooked in stew
with onion, pepper, garlic, tomato
220 grams of sliced fillet steak on pide bread
served with tomato sauce, butter and yoghurt
Ali Nazik is a home-style Turkish dish made from smoked and spiced eggplant, grilled and then pureed, topped with cubes of sauteed steak,
previously seasoned and marinated. Served with melted butter
The meat, often a side of ribs and roasted by placing it next to a slow-burning oven.(for 2 guests)
The internal marrow adds a robust flavor to the charcoal grilled marble steak
charcoal grilled lamb meat seasoned with Turkish
special herbs
Marinated lamb chops seasoned with Turkish
herbs, cooked in charcoal grill. (240 gr)
Marinated lamb shoulder cooked for 3 hours
in oven
260 grams of best quality marbled entrecote charcoal grilled to serve with
cafe de paris sauce and potato wedges
Fillet steak slices cooked with butter sauce and bread
(260 gr)
220 grams of charcoal grilled fillet steak
220 grams of charcoal grilled fillet steak glazed with
pepper sauce
220 grams of charcoal grilled fillet steak glazed with
mushroom sauce
rack of lamb tied together in a circle to form a crown grilled and roasted to serve with chard, mushroom sauce, and keşkek ( a traditional Turkish dish made of stewed wheat and meat)
large center cut fillet charcoal grilled to serve with chard, mushroom sauce, and keşkek ( a traditional Turkish dish made of stewed wheat and meat)
Chicken wings, meatball, lamb shish, chicken
shish, lamb chops and fillet steak slices
made with octopus, mussels, surumi and shrimp in a thick red homemade Arrabiata sauce
Octopus brought daily from fish market, grilled and served with virgin olive oil
Seabass, salmon, seabream, calamary, octopus and jumbo shrimp
Свежие жареные кальмары подающиеся с соусом таратор.
Свежие креветки, чеснок, дробленый перец чили приготовленные на сливочном масле.
Fresh shrimps, garlic, fresh tomato sauce, cooked with butter
Salmons brought daily from fish market, grilled and served with baby potato, onion and rocket leaves
Позолоченные головы лещей ежедневно привозят с рыбного рынка, жарят на гриле и подают с зеленью
Морские окуни, ежедневно приносимые с рыбного рынка, жарятся на гриле и подаются с зеленью
Jumbo Shrimp brought daily from fish market, grilled and served with virgin olive oil
octopus, crab, mussel, shrimp, calamari. yellow cheese cooked in stew with onion, tomato, red and green pepper
Chicken cubes marinated with Turkish mixture of spices grilled and served with red onion
Курица, приготовленная в тушеном виде со сливочно-грибным соусом (220 гр)
Маринованная курица, приготовленная в тушеном виде с домашним томатным соусом, луком, грибами, красным и зеленым перцем (220 гр)
Фисташковая пахлава - это разновидность обычной пахлавы.
490₺Künefe is a crispy cheese-filled dessert made with kadayıf (kah-dah-YUF’), which is a traditional shredded wheat dessert with pistachio filling.
490₺Walnut baklava is a type of normal baklava.
490₺(3 мерные ложки, сорта спрашивайте)
350₺Katmer is another delicious dessert that is native to Gaziantep city of Turkey
Собиет - турецкий десерт, похожий на пахлаву. Он фарширован кремом, который готовят из молока и манной крупы, а также орехов (грецких или фисташковых).
Turkish dessert baklavas are displayed at a Turkish bakery, in Turkey’s southeastern city of Gaziantep, officially registered by UNESCO for it’sculinary and cultural treasures. Havuç Dilimi is variety of Baklava
Kadayıf is a sweet dessert made of finely
shredded filo dough and stuffed, similarly to baklava, with nuts and butter and topped with a syrupy sugar water.